Eggs & Dairy and the Vegan Solution
(the kinder, gentler path to good nutrition)
We know a great many health-conscious folks out there want to go vegan but then balk when it comes to their daily dose of dairy and/or eggs. First off, we have to state that there has never been a better time in human history that’s provided more delicious, nutritious alternatives to the traditional eggs/dairy dietary dilemma so let’s just get that out of the way. The sheer variety of choices is too lengthy to list here but we’ll just mention that for eggs, you just can’t beat Egg Beaters Original (www.eggbeaters.com).
But being vegan is about more than just your dietary choices. It’s also about a sincere attempt to live a more sustainable lifestyle and also make our food and farming industries more accountable for their lazy, unsafe, unsanitary and inhumane practices which provide neither good food nor healthy nutrition. The egg & dairy industries in particular, are guilty of anachronistic animal harvesting practices that are truly shameful.
The main problem, of course is that all egg and dairy production requires sever manipulation of the female reproductive cycles of all the animals involved in the ugly slaughter.
Which means-
- Over 90% of All Dairy Cows and Layer Hens Will Be Slaughtered at a Very Young Age- Because female production of the end product here (milk & eggs) lowers as they age naturally, farming industries simply slaughter the young females (often for feed) in order to more conveniently replace them with younger ones. And so on…
- Their Male Counterparts are Typically Treated to even Less Mercy- If the younger female’s value decreases as their ability to produce declines, their male counterparts are of even less value to the industry, and consequently treated to even more shocking and abusive “harvesting” options. Trust us, you don’t want to know…
It’s 2024, not 1917, and the simple fact is- We Can Do Better!
And the vegan way will help us all to get there.